Breaking the chains, I feel free- at last.
Hi all. So the passed few days have been an emotional and spiritual roller-coaster. A lot of the interweb knows, but if you don't already- I'm quitting A-levels and taking up an apprenticeship. So, to fill you in, let me wind back a few days. The day is Thursday, I am in college doing a maths lesson and I'm sitting there and thinking over and over "why did I pick maths" I hate maths, I honestly do. I have great respect for anyone who is maths/science oriented. It's just not for me. Then throughout the lesson I was reflecting how much I am hating my A-levels. Well... I was initially doing Maths, Further Maths, Chemistry and Physics. I guess my break for freedom was in 2 steps. The first was when I dropped further maths and chemistry for Geography and Politics. Those 2 subjects are fantastic- love 'em. Maths and Physics, urgh.... So that day I went home, and I can't really explain but it was like a switch been flicked in my head. See, my parents ...