It's a big, dark and nasty world.

Hi all.
Sorry for my HUGE absence, I've been dealing with an emergency case, which is not quiet over yet.

So a girl, who is a friend of one of my apprentices has been harassed for years by a spirit. It would come out subversively in the paintings she did etc. Spooky stuff like that, what we call "already half way behind her eyes"

Anyway, so of course I diagnosed the situation, did an assessment then I tempted it out, fought it and put it down. Etto efecto problem solved. No.

Then other stuff happened to her, and different beings would harass her again and again, until she was a bit of a wreck. This is now by the way. It took me some time to figure out, embarrassingly, but she is a huge energy leak.

As anyone reading this blog will know, many parasitic beings are simply attracted to energy, like magnets. Of course taking into account all the energy that way there, they grew and became more intelligent until they became serious threats.

So of course, the long term solution is to plug the hole. As we speak I am designing a suppresser amulet, to suppress her energy so as to not leak. If anyone already knows of a way to do this, pray tell ( .

The reason why the title is that, well the moral of this case I have learned, is the world of magic can often, be a £$%^&. This meaning that this sort of horrific thing, happens to good people, kind people, moldain and sentile people who want nothing more than to get on with their lives. This, is a cruel and unfair ploy by fate indeed...

In other news, Scion has now officially frozen recruitment, this is because we now have enough ascendants (myself included XD) to teach our current batch of disciples, and we predict that at around January we will be recruiting again. Also, I will be regularly posting again, once a week, every Sunday/Monday.

Yours, always,
Lucius RavenCroft.
Ascendant of Scion- Coven Leader of RavenCroft Coven, London.
Consultant Exorcist.


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