Playing with time- Fotamecus.
In 1996, a magician called Fenwick Rysen went on a road trip with his college buddies. On this college trip, packed in the back of a van they were messing around with Chaos Magic not knowing that what they were starting was not only a war between now two great beings, but also magical history in the making.
What they created started off as a sygil, known as Fotamecus later it had the ability to compress time in one space, and then for the same person expand time by the same portion to balance it out. It started off only being able to do minutes at a time, then hours but slowly it grew. As Fotamecus was used more and more it developed it's own consciousness and grew.
It didn't stop growing, it was used very often by these seven chaotes and over the years it became known as an "Egregore". A servitor/thought form that had grown so large it is essentially independent from the control of it's creator(s). It has though, a laid back attitude, as Rysen says him self, probably due to the fact his parents were seven, laid back college students on a road trip.
It is worth mentioning before we go on, that Fotamecus is a special type of egregore, this type is called a "Viral Servitor", essentially it spawns an infinite amount of copies of itself so that if you don't want one to re-expand time, it passes the job to another one elsewhere and you remain un-affected, but the debt is still paid.
So this battle between 2 beings. Fotamecus can control the flow of time, but like 2 cats in a house, this has encroached on Chronos, the Lord of time. It is he who keeps time constant, and disgusted by that concept of time as a constant, it is he that Fotamecus seeks to dethrone. The difference in their power though is astronomical and I have my doubts that within our grand children's lifetimes will this dethroning occur, if ever. Regardless, a battle is taking place that was set in motion now 18 years ago.
I've used Fotamecus twice so far, and rarely do I say a magic is a life hack, but this really is. It's not hard to do and it really does work. It makes everything go faster and so far my results have been very promising.
A boring 5 hours long Sunday afternoon was reduced to what felt like no longer than an hour, boring one hour college assembly? No problem that only took 15 minutes. That was over the past 2 days.
It is so simple to use Fotamecus and I suspect your results will get better and better every time you use him/her/it. I cannot put the instructions simpler and better than the man himself- Fenwick Rysen, so click on his name there to check out his instructions on Fotamecus' use.
I hope you have found this educational and interesting, I will post future results if they are interesting or funny enough ha ha XD.
In any case, +1 and/or share this if you liked it and tell me, have you had any experiences with Fotamecus? Have you any other methods of time manipulation? I'd love to know ha ha.
Lucius RavenCroft.
Captain of the Dark Order and Consultant Exorcist.
What they created started off as a sygil, known as Fotamecus later it had the ability to compress time in one space, and then for the same person expand time by the same portion to balance it out. It started off only being able to do minutes at a time, then hours but slowly it grew. As Fotamecus was used more and more it developed it's own consciousness and grew.
It didn't stop growing, it was used very often by these seven chaotes and over the years it became known as an "Egregore". A servitor/thought form that had grown so large it is essentially independent from the control of it's creator(s). It has though, a laid back attitude, as Rysen says him self, probably due to the fact his parents were seven, laid back college students on a road trip.
It is worth mentioning before we go on, that Fotamecus is a special type of egregore, this type is called a "Viral Servitor", essentially it spawns an infinite amount of copies of itself so that if you don't want one to re-expand time, it passes the job to another one elsewhere and you remain un-affected, but the debt is still paid.
So this battle between 2 beings. Fotamecus can control the flow of time, but like 2 cats in a house, this has encroached on Chronos, the Lord of time. It is he who keeps time constant, and disgusted by that concept of time as a constant, it is he that Fotamecus seeks to dethrone. The difference in their power though is astronomical and I have my doubts that within our grand children's lifetimes will this dethroning occur, if ever. Regardless, a battle is taking place that was set in motion now 18 years ago.
I've used Fotamecus twice so far, and rarely do I say a magic is a life hack, but this really is. It's not hard to do and it really does work. It makes everything go faster and so far my results have been very promising.
A boring 5 hours long Sunday afternoon was reduced to what felt like no longer than an hour, boring one hour college assembly? No problem that only took 15 minutes. That was over the past 2 days.
It is so simple to use Fotamecus and I suspect your results will get better and better every time you use him/her/it. I cannot put the instructions simpler and better than the man himself- Fenwick Rysen, so click on his name there to check out his instructions on Fotamecus' use.
I hope you have found this educational and interesting, I will post future results if they are interesting or funny enough ha ha XD.
In any case, +1 and/or share this if you liked it and tell me, have you had any experiences with Fotamecus? Have you any other methods of time manipulation? I'd love to know ha ha.
Lucius RavenCroft.
Captain of the Dark Order and Consultant Exorcist.
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