
Showing posts from January, 2014

An update and a pledge.

Hi guys, I haven't written anything in 2 weeks. Yeeeaaaah, sorry about that...                         Ahahaha, anyways. Yeah, I've been settling well into my new job. I'm actually moving out as well at the end of the month. I've found a lovely house share only a 2 minute walk from the office, and a 3 minute walk from the gym, Whoop! It's awesome. My social life, well, it's under construction, let's put it that way ha ha. Anyway, that's the update. Now for the pledge. Pledge. As you know, I am on and off when it comes to writing. I have waves of ideas. Well- no more! I now am pledging to write, to you guys. Twice a week. One journal entry (minimum) and one post. Speaking of journals. First entry into project of creating a ring of 12 familiars is up . Click here to read it! I hope you enjoy all the latest updates this year, and I hope I am able to help you, in any way, through this blog. Enjoy! Lucius ...