Magic, when we should not use it.

Wow... yesterday I didn't write an article. I guess life is a tricky thing and sometimes it can get the better of my not so great organization skills :P Anyways...

This blog isn't just about exorcists?! My God... what has the world come to!

Yes! This blog -although looking at the current post history it might suggest it is- is not just about exorcists. It is about magic too, mainly so!

The first (and often most obvious question) to most apprentices with brains (of which there a few :P ) is when should magic be used, and when should it not be used.

The thing is, this is a really tricky question that all mages and occultists can relate to, because there is no right answer and there is no wrong answer. It depends a lot upon personal philosophy. Some people will use magic only when it is absolutely necessary and there is no other option in a given situation. Others will use magic all the time to fix every single problem in their life. Both have their pro's and con's.

With the first scenario, most often these are magicians who are older and wiser and choose not to revert to magic often, there are a myriad of reasons for this but in my humble opinion- because they have seen first hand the destructive forces that magic can bring to bear and that realization changes them. It's something that almost all magicians go through if they are magicians for a long time. Obviously though, when they were younger they would have used magic more because, well... practice makes perfect! Even if you do follow this train of thought, as a novice it is probably acceptable to use magic somewhat more than most, you must learn somehow of course.

On the other hand though, there is the argument that what is the point learning how to do all of these great things without ever using them?

The second scenario I think is one that few relate to fully, but many magicians will relate to it to a degree. It's fun to use magic, it's empowering and of course- rewarding. There is a theory though that magic is addictive, based on this thought pattern and scenario... So a young bucking magician is using magic like she drinks water, here, there- wherever. The thing is, although this obviously leads to a fast progression in magic, did you look around the corner and realize that she can only go on for so long like this before all she see's is magic, and she looses her grip on reality.

Of course, these are two extremes and as always I say- balance is key. Balance is essential not just in all walks of magic, but in all walks of life. So by finding the balance between when and when not to use magic, you gain the best of both worlds.

Hope you enjoyed the article, have a great day and if you're in London, enjoy the good weather folks!

Lucius RavenCroft.
Coven Leader of Scion- RavenCroft Coven, London.
Consultant Exorcist.


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