The Power and Fury of Emotion.

Hello all,
Today I write to you amidst confusion and in a more solemn manner.

Even the lowliest apprentice can tell you that emotions can, and often do, most incredibly power a spell. Be it in combat with a spirit flame, or in a ritual, gnosis, charging an object or sygil etc.

That's great, within a spell. But the thing is, is their is a mindset that comes with magic, and working magic is not just knowing how to cast and weave, it is knowing when to do it, and most importantly when not to.

I did write about this kind of thing a few weeks ago ( magic, when we should not use it and magic, when we should not do it PT. 2. ) but due to a course of recent events today (well, it's 1 am, so yesterday now) I have realized more clearly than before a new angle to this whole concept which I shall write about.

The Power of Emotion but also the fury and danger it holds.

So today, the mother of the person of whom I care the most about on this world, the person who saved my life and pulled me away from the darkness of myself, did something very bad and upset her a lot. Typical teenager stuff (hard to think of me as a typical teenager huh?)

God was I angry, it was more than just an argument, I mean it was about the two of us. It was in a wider sense my first confrontation with the mindset that I despise. No, not a mindset, a set ideas so very medieval.

Anyway, this was the last straw with her, there were problems with her before but in the heat of the moment I was like this, is, it. I was going to unleash a blitzstorm of arcane hell fire, but I kept a level head and assessed the situation.

Well... not quiet. I was angry and it took me time to level my head and calm down. By keeping a level head I mean I allowed my emotions to play their course but I kept myself under control. That is a level head.

I then flew above the storm, observing from above and saw the situation from every party's unadulterated perspective. Assessing it and deciding the best course of action.

There are still problems, but much less than a magical intervention will cause.

Now, the point is this. My Dar (1st pillar of Scion, physical existence and emotion) went crazy, but controlled.

The control is Gyu (2cnd pillar of Scion, logic and the mind), which channels the emotion and aims it, precisely. Ensuring that emotions do not rule my course of action. But equally my emotions balance out the logic.

This is a major aspect of the Scion magic, ensuring that all the pillars work in perfect balance, unison and harmony, so that they all exploit the best and remove the worse in each other.

So, that is the Power and Fury of Emotion.

If my Gyu had not controlled my Dar (my mind controlled my emotion) then a serious s£$%storm would have occurred and people would have got badly hurt.

I am following the three day rule. I will not use magic unless there is no option. I am certain that I will not need to, and will be so grateful that I didn't today.

Regardless, I will cast if there is a need to, do not doubt it.

Hope you took what you could.

Your truly.
Lucius RavenCroft.
Coven Leader of Scoin- RavenCroft Coven, London.
Consultant Exorcist.


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