House RavenCroft and Christmas in Scion.
So, I've dropped references to House RavenCroft in the past and in my various emails from readers I have often got the question- what is House RavenCroft? In light of recent developments in Scion I feel it is high time that I explain now, what House RavenCroft is and its role in Scion.
First thing you should know is in Scion, we are split into noble houses, this is because in Scion we have a wide variety of magicians and all who specialize in different things. The house system is a way to not only organize these groups and give them a voice on the council, but also a way to strengthen the family bonds between each other and represent the variety of Scion.
So, what are these recent developments in Scion you ask? Well, for a change they are actually pretty simple. If you follow "Scion Watch" on G+ you will know that now is the right time to form House RavenCroft because we are getting more exorcists joining Scion.
House RavenCroft in Scion is the noble house for all exorcists (meaning all battle magicians) to join, we represent their interests and give them a voice in Scion. In addition, we are a family to provide the much needed support that exorcists need.
Anyone is free to join Scion, and any exorcist in Scion is free to join House RavenCroft. I hope this has clarified things a bit. Now then, onto other stuff...
Christmas News!
I am glad, actually... I am very happy to announce that Scion is unfreezing recruitment! We are looking to take on 4 new apprentices for the new year. Yes, 4!
Let me re-phrase, we are hoping to get at least four new apprentices to bring into Scion, this is because we have now four teachers available! My two apprentices, Kai Ravencroft and Patrick Akabway have now become Ascendants, and so has Councillor Silmerion's apprentice Zenon.
{Note that Ascendant is not a "high rank", it is just we are new and so we are filling up so to speak, to achieve knighthood in Scion is the goal!}
So yeah, if you are interested in joining Scion, please, drop me an email at
Anyway, big congratulations to our new apprentices and I hope to write again to you all seen.
Remember, follow me on twitter by clicking the widget on right and below to add me to your circle on G+
Lucius RavenCroft.
Coven Leader- RavenCroft Coven, London.
Consultant Exorcist.
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