
As an exorcist, you won't always be "called out" to a case, often it is up to you to "spot" the dark and demonic. This is a big part of being an exorcist and a skill that must be developed. Today I'll cover a small part of that in this article- coincidences.

Often, if there is a third tier demon (one that acts not through one person but either on it's own as a spiritual entity or through a large group of people) they often work in a pattern. They lavish this, the more of one type of event created the greater the cumulative energy becomes. They also lavish and greed for "spooky similarities" between events and on numerological sequences. 

What this means is that the exorcist can catch out these entities by spotting a pattern between events early, so as to predict where the next one will be and thus have a time and place to engage the demon and apprehend it. Now this is suddenly becoming much more real isn't it?

This means that the exorcist(/battle mage/whatever etc.) must be constantly vigilant for coincidences between two or more events. The sooner these are spotted the sooner a pattern can be established (or dismissed) thus saving lives. 

There a few tips and warnings to do this. First and foremost, always watch the news, often this is the first and foremost way to find out about events. Secondly, keep a small notebook with events which you find interesting (this is your intuition) with basic details. It is very hard to find the original news story after 3 days of it developing! Thirdly, go astral. There's nothing wrong with having a poke around the astral to see what's going on and if anything's stirring- it's kinda like a police officer going to a private informant!

Also, heed this one warning. Do not become too over obsessed, it is easy to start seeing demons everywhere, often where there are none. This is one of the perils of the job so remember these two golden rules.

1. Humans do evil things because he/she is evil. Not necessarily possessed.
2. Coincidences and tragedies do happen, that is nature.

Of course, trust your gut and never role dice. That is something very true to Scion and to any good magician in general.

So yeah, hope you take from this what you can and have a great day- despite the rain :D

Lucius RavenCroft.
Coven Leader of Scion- RavenCroft Coven, London.
Consultant Exorcist.  


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