My Coven.

Here I am again, in the waiting room well... waiting. Waiting to start work. In Liber Null it is said that to do work in the "robotic" state of mind is good because it free's up a part of your brain to focus on matters of a more complex nature. Well, I'd like to see him do my job and be happy about it ha ha XD

I'm only joking, I love my job really- I feel very fortunate to have it. The reason I bring this up is because it is all the money I am earning from this job which is going to fund my coven.

In my own time I am an exorcist, although right now I am currently engaged in research as opposed to call outs, but in other time I am the leader of my coven, which in itself proves an interesting challenge. Although I have only just started as the Coven Leader I am learning a lot.

In fact it is a very steep learning curve- an opportunity I am very grateful to Master Aurelia for giving me, I am learning a lot. I'm learning to things mainly, how to lead and how to expand. Both are much easier said than done and from my experience, if you're finding it easy you're doing it wrong. Very. Wrong.

Never-the-less, it has been interesting. I have just started teaching some basic magic to my coven members, but I cannot rush ahead as we are still waiting for members. If I have a dozen people all at different stages, well- I'll lose all my hair due to the logistical nightmare!

I do predict though, that the hardest things to teach are the basic things, because if you think about it, with more advanced techniques/spells etc. the student already has the basics to build upon, but when the students learn the basics she/he has naught to build upon. Thus it is harder to teach and I often find myself stumbling around saying "It's just this uhhh... feeling!" We'll see how it goes, a student is only as good as their teacher- yep, I'm not holding out to much hope!

I am only joking of course, I am very confident that my coven members will progress very well. Thing is, I am a very "magical" person and so I believe my coven will be more magically inclined than other Scion covens but there ya go!

I am though, trying to balance it out as much as I can, but the thing is, magic is very hard to teach yourself and so I often find myself actively teaching. But for the other area's of balance(pillars) I find myself guiding them in a very individual respect as (including myself) they are all imbalanced in unique and personal ways. Thus I teach them how to lead, "not everyone can be a leader"- Bull SHITE. Sorry, but that's just it. If everyone were a leader we would advance so quickly- Leader of leaders is a good analogy.

So in conclusion, I am learning a lot about leading through this coven and it is developing me in an interesting way. To some it comes naturally, to me... well, just ask my members and I'm sure they'll tell you that for me, this is not the case! Ha ha! I kid (I hope...)

Anyway, hope you enjoyed this article and keep reading.
Lucius RavenCroft.
Coven Leader of Scion- RavenCroft Coven, London.


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