The kit of a consulting exorcist.

Recently, a lot of people asked me what the basic kit for an exorcist is? You wanted an answer and now- you have one! Enjoy XD

Although there are a few essentials that need to be bought, from my experience there is not a whole lot you need, as cliche as it sounds- your mind genuinely is your most valuable asset. Again, it also depends on the job at hand because often for a "specific" case "specific" things will be needed.

For example, if you are working in say, a Ugandan household and it is a hoodoo attack that you are dealing with, holding a crucifix and shouting at the top of your lungs "THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YOU!" will not help. At all. It never helps but that's just a side point...

When dealing with a demon one must take into account the "background" of the demon and the culture from which it was born (Often, Demons are created through the fear of their existence). For example,  it is obvious that a christian demon is best dealt with using christian imagery, a Hindu demon is best dealt with using Hindu imagery and so on.

So, if we go back to the earlier example of the hoodoo demon in the Ugandan house, what do you think the best "kit" is to deal with it? I would say the hoodoo approach is best (duh?!) and so do your research and kit yourself out accordingly.

Saying that, I won't be that annoying oracle who doesn't just give you the actual answer but will leave you more confused than before you asked (okay, I will- just not now XD ). There is obviously some basic kit that every exorcist must have. These are not mystical items but actually every day items you can find in your house.

Firstly, you need two sets of clothes plus your everyday clothes. The first set is the one in which you do the investigation, combat, exorcism in. These are the clothes you would have enchanted with shields, wards etc.

The second set of clothes you change into before you even leave the house/area that you are working in, this is to stop any astral trash etc. sticking to you and bringing it home, also to sever the link between any demons and you after the working. Both sets of clothes should be modest and plane, no insignia of anything resembling a living thing. Basic robes and so on are fine, maybe with your personal and guild seal but that really is it. Then chuck both into the wash with some consecrated salt.

That brings me really nicely onto my next point, consecrated salt and holy water. Salt naturally absorbs all energy (ever heard of people making salt circles- to a degree they do work) and water naturally dissipates all energy. Given the correct conditions they can both store energy and act as an energy battery.

Anyway, to consecrate salt and bless water there are dozens of valid rituals- you should do two things. Find the ritual that works for you the best but bless the water in the name of "The Divine", this means all divinity- not just one god. This is for general purposes, or if you're caught by surprise and don't have time to prepare. Secondly, depending upon the specific demon and case, you could consecrate and bless in the name of a specific deity- ie. the opposing deity of the specific demon. This is what I mean earlier when I said "specifics" to each case.

Thirdly. You should have one amulet of protection around you at all times. Not activated, I repeat NOT ACTIVATED. The amulet is not for you, it is for the victim to protect them while engaging the demon. Only where it yourself if you are literally about to die because by wearing it you close yourself off from many astral senses and become practically blind. Of course, if you are in down time that is another thing entirely.

Fourthly, have with you your holy implement. This could be a crucifix/other specific religious symbol or this could be a generic pendant which to you, has a link to the divine. This is your link to your key divine, not any single "case specific" deity, but to whom you feel overall in service to. This may or may not protect you but it can help you in a myriad of ways. You'll see ;)

Of course, a specialized tarot deck is essential, I won't go into detail about this now but I will at a later date (that is a whole article on it's own). It is crucial in making assessments of cases.

Finally, your magical weapons. Traditionally these are the sword, the wand, the chalice and incense. But these vary from tradition to tradition. These are wear you draw power from. Again, I shall write about magical weapons in detail in another article.

So, my peeps! To summarize, the basic kit is-
1. Two sets of clothes.
2. Consecrated Salt.
3. Blessed Water.
4. Amulet of Protection.
5. Holy Implement.
6. Tarot Deck.
7. Magical Weapons.

Tip for a fiver! When deciding your magical weapons remember that it really isn't important what they traditionally are, if that works for you then go for it! But it is most important that in your eyes, what you have chosen represents in your eyes the four elements.

Also, what many exorcists (myself included) do is pick their magical weapons to be discreet (ie a wallet talisman, a ring, a pendant and a small piece of clothing) so as to have them ready at a moments notice.

Hope you enjoyed this article, as I wrote it, I re-learned some of the basics so it most definitely was enlightening for me! Have a great day peeps!

Lucius RavenCroft.
Coven Leader of Scion- RavenCroft Coven, London.
Consultant Exorcist.


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